Security Guards are unreliable, inefficient and expensive.

  • CSOs feel that security guards are not equipped to deter a serious burglary. CSOs have also found that many a times the guard is not available at the site or is found sleeping. This has posed a grave security risk that has resulted in many successful burglaries of the Delivery centres.
  • CSOs felt that the old generation passive SMS based alarm systems are quite useless during burglary and were looking for professional monitoring instead of an off-line system.
  • With ACTIALERT, you can secure your entrances at night from intrusion. ACTIALERT also uses ACTIVEDETERRENCETM where an intrusion is not only detected instantly as it happens but is deterred immediately using flood lights, video verification, siren and 2-way audio.
  • ACTICARE® will give you up-to-date status of all your CCTVs and DVR/NVR across all your outlets PAN India. Besides giving you a LIVE view, it will also allow you to instantly download incident videos directly from your mobile! ACTICARE® comes with PAN India fixed cost comprehensive AMC.

Delivery Centres have been using Securens’ ACTIDETERRENCE for many years now.

Securens Solutions


Intrusion detection of critical entrances using Intrusion using Human detection based video analytics along with ‘ACTIVEDETERRENCETM technology where, the burglary is not only detected instantly but is also deterred immediately using Video Verification, Lights and Sound.
Efficiently secure entrances.


Monitoring the health of your existing e-surveillance equipment at all your PAN India outlets and also providing you with a single partner for comprehensive AMC across India.
Ensure health of surveillance equipment

Why Securens?

Securens is number 1 eSurveillance Provider in India. Securens has almost 100% success rate

India’s Largest eSurveilance Provider

Trusted by Top Brands
Consistent Repeat Orders
Best eSurveillance Provider
PAN India Installation Service
Technology Innovation
99% Uptime of Monitored Sites
Auto Health Checkup
700+ Employees
Pan India Footprints

Securens has become India’s largest eSurveillance company with more than 22,000 sites under eSurveillance

Explore how Delivery Centers have saved up to 60% of security costs.